Perie Longo
photo by Rick Carter

Poetry Therapy

Marriage & Family Therapy




The Writing Group

A Widow Discovers Her Tires Are Bald When the “Check Engine” Light Comes On

Thirst: Kuwait Poetry Workshop

What I Forgot to Write

Fishing With My Father

What We Live For...

Peanut Butter

Art Helps...

Playing Crash


Dedication (Douglas Family Preserve)

"What Do Women Want?"



Marriage & Family Therapist | Registered Poetry Therapist | Poet

Baggage Claim, WordTech Editions 2014 ($18), The Privacy of Wind ($10) and With Nothing Behind But Sky: A journey through grief ($12) can be ordered directly from Perie.
To order, contact her at perie(at)west(dot)net, visit, or phone her at 805-687-1619.

Art Helps…

It’s all about the lines, waiting in them,
breaking from them, blood red stretch
of sun turning over its place in the sky
each night, the city’s line of lights
broadcasting our rise and fall,
lines of wind that clear the air,
the artist’s strokes that embolden life,
the poet’s lines that help us
understand our passions and regrets,
the dancer’s play of flesh
twined with flesh, leaping off
to turn and return, and oh the music,
harmony of pulse that raises us
to our feet shouting encore, encore!


(Presented at “Opera Under the Stars,” Sullivan and Goss Café, Santa Barbara, July 9, 2009)